The Thirst I Feel

July 30, 2010

I know I needed a break after leaving NYC. I needed to come home, relax, chill with my family, and catch up on my sanity. But I’m not the kind of person who can sit around for long. I need something to do. If I weren’t at home and sitting on a beach in the Greek Isles, or romping around South East Asia, that would be cool. But sitting around doing nothing at home has finally become unbearable.

I need a job. I’ve applied to 15 jobs, and I want to hear back now. I think my current disadvantage is that I don’t have any mode of transportation. Now that my brother drives, I don’t have regular access to a car. I have to coordinate with my parents before I commit to plans. If I get a job in the Bay Area, I don’t know what I’ll do. If I get one in Los Gatos, I can get a bike, but other than that, I’m screwed. If I go anywhere else – Seattle, NYC, Atlanta, SF – then I can use public transportation, but I’ll still have to pay rent somewhere. And the temp agencies in this area say there are no jobs available anywhere.

And people say that now is a great time for internships. Well no shit: people don’t have to pay interns. I’ve had my share of internships, I’ve acquired all this great experience, and I’ve honed all these great skills. So why haven’t I been given a job yet?