Now See How You Are

August 26, 2008

So I’ve finally got some time on my hands. That doesn’t seem to happen too often around here. Actually, that’s a lie. Time is of no concern here (surprise, surprise). And quite frankly, I’m getting used to it pretty quickly. My watch died right before I arrived in Cairo, and I think it was a sign. At first I was annoyed, but soon enough I’ve stopped looking at my watch, guestimating the time, and hoping for the best.

Cairo is beautiful in one of those broken down kind of ways. Photographers seem to be drawn to apparent wastelands and abandoned buildings, places that appear to be in some sort of limbo. It’s so beautiful. I’ve been dying to take pictures, but I’m trying not to photograph everything within my first week or so. I want to see it and experience it before I can decide how to make it my own. So believe me, pictures are on their way. I promise.

Who Knew

August 22, 2008

So I’m in Egypt. How did that happen. I’m really sweaty and my feet kind of hurt. And everything is really awkward, like freshmen year welcome week. I hate it. Of all the types of awkward I like – and believe me, I love awkward – I do not like orientation week social awkwardness. The people you meet you rarely stay friends with, you don’t know where you are or what you’re doing but act like everything is cool, and it’s a bunch of drunken debauchery that is not particularly enjoyable. Everyone is in the same awkward boat, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

It’s the only time I ever wish school would start sooner.

I Gave What I Gave

August 14, 2008

I leave for Cairo in FIVE DAYS. FIVE DAYS. FIVE DAYS. Ridiculous. I have so much shit to take care of. I’m really scared. Nervous might be a better word. I’m leaving the comfort of everything and everyone I know to study in a country on the opposite side of the world. I feel like I’m leaving for college for the first time again. It’s weird. I don’t like it.